About Anais

This website shows just the surface of my work as an Artist. I would label myself a Contemporary Artist, that enjoys exploring projects and materials, more than creating art with an end goal in mind. It´s really important for me to explore the full possibilities of materials, the more raw and organic feeling, the better.

I use these materials as a medium to speak about concerns, memories and feelings. In a way, these projects show a piece of me, who I am inside. I form these strange, growing relationships with all my work, they almost become companions in that process of making.

I work well when I am simply playing with materials, the refining of the art always comes at the end for me.

My environment impacts the art I create, and I try my hardest to create work that I will either destroy or let go of in the end. I enjoy the temporary nature of my sculptures and work…. it means I have less to carry. I endeavour to make my art and experience, and I hope it connects with some people, or strikes a chord inside that might have been hidden for a while.

It´s about exposing the truth without always the beauty or fleeting excitement of this hyper-realistic world we live in nowadays…

My main inspiration comes from Phyllida Barlow, A British Artist, Magdelena Abakanowicz, a Polish artist and mrinalini Mukherjee.

But I have to admit, my main inspiration is everyday life.