My Project Proposal


Before this course, I was fixed on using photography, but now I experiment more with materials and environments. For the third project, I focused on the temporary state of objects. I used a variety of materials to produce a decaying box; I then photographed the decaying box consuming a person. Through photography and site specific spaces, this project allowed me to explore the ways in which we connect and interact with objects; larger objects in a small space have more of an impact because they invade the space, thus invading rational and conventional thoughts about how an environment should be governed. This leads me nicely to the Uncanny project I worked with my group and independently, finding ways to occupy the space. I used objects as a metaphorical barrier and an obstacle for somebody to move freely. The lack of control within a space, forces people to either alter their behaviour, or walk away because they feel too uncomfortable. From these projects I have learnt that I am interested in large scale sculptures or installations. In the future. I’ve also learnt that I enjoy looking at the temporary nature of life and how this affects the ways in which we interact and think about objects.

I am focusing on the transition towards death. This concept is mainly about accepting the fate of all humans. I want to create an outcome that will decay and disintegrate and allow nature to eventually dissolve my work into nothing. Death is the only permanent thing on this earth, the transitioning period to death is universal. Regardless of your beliefs, we are all shuffling along the same road to the end of our physical existence. This transitioning period is definite and permanent; it’s uncontrollable. Although death can be considered negatively, I contemplate the transition towards death as a positive transition that we should embrace. I could therefore look at renewable sources and materials, to imply that our energies are recycled and that life and death work together as opposites, like ying and yang philosophy.

I will research more philosophers and writers who contemplate death, for example, in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, the Character says that death is "an undiscovered country whose bourn no travellers return”. I would like to delve deeper into the meanings of quotes like these and use them to visualise a new way of presenting my work. I will also be exploring large installations and sculptures, especially by Anish Kapoor and Anthony Gormley. I will be experimenting with various materials that I can manipulate and mould into a new shape. For example, I will be experimenting with candle wax and tissue paper. Moreover, I could eventually experiment with water and how it changes state from a liquid to a solid. These malleable objects will allow me to be freer and more creative within my approach to my final piece.

To reflect on my work, I will see how my peers and the viewers interact with the materials and ask what my peers would have added or taken away from the piece. I want to understand whether people feel uncomfortable with the piece, as the whole idea of death is that the lack of certainty and physicality fears people. I want to see if this project has helped me overcome my fear of death or whether it’s increased my fear in a different way. My priority is to mindfully engage with my art work and focus on the process of this piece not the final outcome.


Painting the face

These next images will show how I decided to end my Final project and experiment with Acrylic paint. I wanted to stick with the ephemeral idea, so I burnt the face until it slowly disintegrated and seeped out all the liquid wax. I wanted to incorporate this idea of transforming and changing form and structure due to an external substance forcing the material to transform.

Documenting the Transitioning


Final Outcome


Process and Experiments


copper sheets

Experimenting with copper sheets, to create the illusion of a void.


Experimenting with a wax Face that I made


In these next few photos, I am experimenting with the wax face I made. The string is so that I can eventually burn the wax figure and it will disintergrate.


Multi-media Painting

This is a canvas that I painted over with PVA glue, acrylic paint, and pouring medium. I used a hairdryer to move the paint around which I really like the effect - it looks like plastic which I really like because this links with the idea of death being permanent but comes in different forms and the wax represents the temporary nature of humans.
